Thinking of Moving to Las Cruces, NM [🚚 ]|ULTIMATE Living in Las Cruces

Las Cruces, NM is a southern city in the state of New Mexico, located in Doña Ana County. Las Cruces is about 46 miles north of El Paso, TX and 184 miles southwest of Roswell, NM. Las Cruces is the geographic center of the Mesilla Valley, which is the agricultural region on the floodplain of the Rio Grande River. Las Cruces was first founded as a settlement in 1849 when the United States Army surveyed the town for the first time. It was officially incorporated as a municipality in 1907.

Population & Demographics

The 2019 population of Las Cruces was 102,102. Las Cruces is a diverse place to live, with a demographic breakdown of 60.5% Hispanic, 32.5% White and 2.5% Black or African American. Married couples account for 37.8% of households in Las Cruces, and 60.7% of homes in Las Cruces house families. Wondering if Las Cruces is a safe place to live? Total crime in Las Cruces is 23% lower than the national average.

Las Cruces, NM Cost of Living

If you’re thinking about moving, you are probably wondering how far your money will go in Las Cruces. Is Las Cruces affordable? Of course, this will depend on your earning potential and lifestyle, but overall, Las Cruces is 3% lower than the national average! Housing costs in Las Cruces is 12% lower than the national average. Transportation in Las Cruces is 4% higher than the national average, and groceries are 15% more expensive in Las Cruces as the national average.
In Las Cruces, the homeownership rate is 53.9%, which is lower than the national average of 64.1%. Estimated median sale price for a home in Las Cruces is $250,000 which is an increase of 16.2% since last year! Homes in Las Cruces are selling in about 122 days on the market. Click to see what’s going on with the Las Cruces real estate market.
In Las Cruces, approximately 35% of people rent their homes. The average rent cost in Las Cruces is $752 a month, which is considerably less than the national average of $1302.

Las Cruces, NM Weather

Las Cruces’ climate is considered desert, which means it has very hot summers and cold, windy winters. On average, Las Cruces sees about 47.1 inches a year of precipitation. The average low temperature in January is 29.6 and the average high temperature in July is 95.6. Las Cruces also sees a lot of windy in the area, which can cause dust storms.

Things to Do in Las Cruces, NM

There are plenty of recreational options for the residents of Las Cruces. Here are some of Las Cruces’ residents’ favorite places to go:

Dripping Springs Natural Area

Dripping springs Las Cruces NM

With over four miles of hiking trails, Dripping Springs Natural Area has excellent year-round viewing of many types of wildlife, such as the red-tailed hawk, Gambel’s quail, golden eagle and rock squirrel. Enjoy the beautiful low-elevation pinion juniper and oaks as you meander!

15000 Dripping Springs Rd., Las Cruces, NM 88005

Old Mesilla Village

Old Mesilla Village Las Cruces NM

The most visited historical community in south New Mexico, Old Mesilla Village features traditional adobe structures and Mesilla people, many direct descendants of those that founded the community in 1848. Learn about the Mesilla community and their impact on economic, cultural, historical and political life in the Mesilla Valley.

2231 Avenida de Mesilla, Las Cruces, NM 88005

Additional Things to Do in and around Las Cruces

• Farmers and Crafts Market of Las Cruces
• New Mexico Farm & Ranch Heritage Museum
• Museum of Nature and Science

Las Cruces, NM Restaurants

There are many great restaurant options living in Las Cruces. Here are a few of the best rated places Las Cruces residents love to dine:

La Posta de Mesilla

A historic restaurant and Registered National Historic Landmark, La Posta de Mesilla has been providing the best Mexican food, tequila, steaks and margaritas for over 80 years! Many actors, musicians and even sitting presidents have dined here!

2410 Calle de San Albino, Las Cruces, NM 88005

D.H. Lescombes Winery & Bistro

Always busy, the D.H. Lescombes Winery & Bistro pairs delicious epicurean-style dishes with award-winning New Mexico wines. Come relax and try a tasting of New Mexico wines, or just dine and relax as you listen to live music on the weekends!

1720 Avenida de Mesilla, Las Cruces, NM 88005

Las Cruces, NM Map

Las Cruces, NM Statistics & Information

Las Cruces is the county seat of Doña Ana County. Las Cruces’s zip codes are 88001, 88003, 88004, 88005, 88006, 88007, 88011, 88012, and 88013. The elevation of Las Cruces, NM is 3,900 feet. Las Cruces is in the Mountain Standard Time Zone. The area of Las Cruces is 77.03 square miles.

Jobs in Las Cruces, NM

The median household income in Las Cruces is $43,022 per year. Great news – salaries in Las Cruces increased by 7.19% from 2018 to 2019. The most popular jobs in Las Cruces are office & administrative support occupations, sales & related occupations and education instruction & library occupations. The biggest industries that employ Las Cruces residents are health care & social assistance, educational services and retail trade. About 23.6% of Las Cruces residents live below the poverty line, which is above the national average of 12.3%. The demographic most affected by poverty in Las Cruces is women between the ages of 18 and 24.

The average commute time in Las Cruces is about 18 minutes, which is under the national average of 25.5 minutes. Nearly 79% of Las Cruces residents choose to drive alone to work rather than carpool, and most Las Cruces households own two cars. Will you be working in El Paso and living in Las Cruces? Your commute will be a breeze! Click here to see what the 46.1 mile drive from Las Cruces to El Paso will be like.

Looking for employment in the Las Cruces area? Click here to check out what is currently listed in Las Cruces on Would you prefer to work for a municipality? If you would rather be employed by the City of Las Cruces they are hiring! Click here to see what positions are currently available.

Schools in Las Cruces, NM

Las Cruces is served by Las Cruces Public Schools. The top-rated schools in Las Cruces are Monte Vista Elementary School, White Sands Elementary School and Early College High School. If parents prefer to send their children to private or parochial school, there are 83 in Las Cruces. Students will also have access to the Thomas Branigan Memorial Library.

Living in Las Cruces Pros & Cons

• Pro: Low Cost of Living
• Pro: Good Schools
• Con: High Crime Rate

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